Night time is nearly at an end for another year. The last days of the aurora season are here. The Chase starts a little later due to the increased daylight hours. Click on Aurora Chase to follow the links to our booking page.
Moderate aurora activity. -1° warming up! Partly cloudy, should clear later tonight.
Shades of spring - Arctic Frontier style! The snow has fallen from the trees and the trees are starting to change, preparing for their growing season as the hours of sunlight increases. It's still quite cold...only -15° tonight.
Moderate aurora activity. -15°. A few clouds. Somewhere in a galaxy far far away...Can you see the pleiades, taurus, aries, triangulum, pisces constellations? All shining upon our snow sculptures and Chasers on the lake! We've had strong moon light adding to the beauty of the Arctic night.
Medium aurora activity. -10°. Cloudy. Fantastic auroras last night. And a brilliant lunar halo to top it off. Full moon and the Northern Lights is a magical spectacle and great to photograph. The halo is created by suspended ice crystals in the air.
Low aurora activity forecast. -10°. Cloud. Beautiful starry nights with the gentle light pollution of Levi in the background taken on Arctic Frontier's Aurora Chase. We take you to the best locations and darkest skies to increase your chances of seeing and capturing the Northern Lights. Our night skies and amazing scenery are an added bonus! As are the cloudberry dark chocolate brownies.
Moderate aurora activity. -7°. Clouds, but we should be able to find some breaks. 100% success for March 2019 so far, and it's 85% for all of 2019. It's been a great year for the Aurora Chase. Thanks to all our Chasers for sharing the aurora with us.
Low aurora activity. -1°. Clouds. We haven't added more green to make the 'Z'! We've shared some amaZing auroras over the past few night with our Chasers, and some brownies too.
Moderate aurora forecast. -9°. Some clouds. What a night. Auroras from start to finish. We've had some amazing aurora activity in the last few weeks. Come and join Arctic Frontier on an Aurora Chase - our expertise and skills can make your dreams of seeing the Northern Lights come true.
High aurora activity for tonight! -20°. Clear sky. |
Arctic Blog
Our blog has become an almost daily diary for Arctic Frontier. See the changing seasons, check out the aurora conditions and click on our archive to get an idea of what to expect when you come to Levi. Archives
May 2019
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